Southwell Workhouse - Interpretation

Southwell Workhouse


The Workhouse – the clue is in the name! – is an old 19th century workhouse, the only complete example in the country.

We were commissioned to devise the Interpretative Master-Plan and implement the ideas therein over the following two years. The first stage involved extensive research to establish the basic principles on which the objectives can be achieved and to make interim changes prior to a major update.

Southwell Workhouse

Creating accessible tour to appeal to all visitor types

We have used this opportunity to augment the existing interpretation with some new ideas before fully worked up design proposals have been completed.

However, the main thrust so far has been to establish how best to convey a complex series of messages in such a way to create a truly accessible tour for all visitor types, including school groups. The 19th century forms a major part of the national curriculum across different age groups.

These age groups, and disabled visitors, have been considered right from the outset so that there is a coherent experience for all visitors.

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