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Mary Rose Museum

The Many Faces of Tudor England

When the “new” Mary Rose Museum opened in 2016 it marked the moment when the objects found on board and the ship itself were fully reunited.

Among those objects are a select number of skeletal remains, carefully and sympathetically displayed.  And they can tell us much about the crew. So much so that Chanel 4 followed the progress of scientific research into the DNA of 8 specific members of the crew for nearly a year. Bone, dental and DNA analysis have taken place and a new exhibition The Many Faces of Tudor England tells the story of that research and its findings.

Motivation was asked to design and create all the audio-visual content to convey much of that information and provide visitors with additional knowledge about the real people on board.

Content editing

We helped write the text, turning scientific jargon and complex processes into easy to understand concepts.

3D modelling

We created 3D reconstructions of the faces of some of the individuals from hand-drawn representations provided by an illustrator expert in creating facial characteristics from skulls.

Video editing and acoustics management

We edited sequences from the documentary to highlight particular pieces of information. We installed directional audio, to avoid soundtracks polluting from one display to another.

Wall and floor projection

We created animated maps and a 3D reconstruction of the ship itself to identify where on board these crew members were found.

The Result

The exhibition has been a huge success and visitors have commented upon how easy it is to understand some of the complex science.

More importantly, it gives surprising insight into where some of the crew on board may have come from…

…But you’ll have to visit for yourself to find that out!!!

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